- Easily connects to the existing Elipse headstrap, preventing headstrap from slipping
- Designed to fit under hard hats
- Reduce weight pressure of the mask
- All Elipse masks
- SPR299/SPR501, SPR337/SPR502, SPR338/SPR503, SPR425/SPR505, SPR580/SPR581, SPR359/SPR504, SPR495/SPR496, SPR490/SPR491, SPR498/SPR499, SPR493/SPR494, SPR511/SPR512, SPR514/SPR515, SPR517/SPR518, SPR487/SPR488
- All Elipse NIOSH masks
- SPR451/SPR457, SPR449/SPR456, SPR472/SPR473, SPR466/SPR467 SPR484/SPR485, SPR481/SPR482