Via Roma, 50 - 40069 Zola Predosa (Bologna) - Italy
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Cap. Soc. € 1.750.000,00 interamente versato | C.F. 03636630372
R.E.A 0305386/BO | Reg. Imprese 45539/BO | Mecc. BO 012048
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Via Roma, 50 - 40069 Zola Predosa (Bologna) - Italy
Tel. +39 051 6176311 | Fax +39 051 6176200 | e-mail:
Cap. Soc. € 1.750.000,00 interamente versato | C.F. 03636630372
R.E.A 0305386/BO | Reg. Imprese 45539/BO | Mecc. BO 012048