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        Shareholders' Meetings

        Documents in this section might be available in Italian only
        Shareholders' Meetings
        Regolamento Assembleare [ITALIAN ONLY]

        1. Call notice of Shareholders' Meeting
        2. Information on share capital structure pursuant to art. 125-quater D.lgs. 58-1998
        3. Report on Item 1 of the Agenda of the Ordinay Meeting - Financial statements and allocation of results FY 2023
        4. Report on Item 2 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Remuneration policy and compensation paid
        5. Report on Item 3 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Purchase and disposal of treasury shares
        6. Report on Item 4 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Board of Auditors' reasoned proposal
        7. Report on Item 4 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Integration of the fees of the independent auditors
        8. Report on Item 1 of the Agenda of the Extraordinary Meeting - Changes to the Articles of Association
        9. Proxy Form pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58-1998
        10. Proxy-Sub Proxy Form pursuant to Article 135-novies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58-1998
        11. Notice publication of documentation 05.04.2024
        12. Annual Financial Report 2023
        13. Annual Financial Report 2023 - ESEF
        14. Report on Remuneration Policy and Compensation Paid 2024
        15. Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure 2023
        16. Consolidated Non-Financial Statement 2023
        17. Summary Report of the votes on the items of the agenda
        18. Articles of Association with the amendments highlighted as approved by the Shareholders' Meeting of May 2024
        19. Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 7 May 2024 (italian version)

        1. Summary Report of the votes on the items of the agenda
        2. Notice Publication of documentation
        3. Individual resolution proposal by GVS Group Srl regarding item 5.2 and item 6.3 of the agenda of the ordinary part of the Shareholders' meeting
        4. Report on Item 1 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Approval of the Financial Statements
        5. Annual Financial Report 2022
        6. Annual Financial Report 2022 - ESEF
        7. Report on Item 2 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Remuneration Policy and Compensation Paid
        8. Report on Remuneration Policy and Compensation Paid 2022
        9. Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure 2022
        10. Non-Financial Statement 2022
        11. Notice of publication 12th April 2023
        12. Notice publication of documentation
        13. Report on Item 2 of the Agenda of the Extraordinary Meeting - Changes to the Articles of Association
        14. Report on Item 1 of the Agenda Extraordinary Meeting _ Delegation to the Board to increase the share capital pursuant to Article 2349 civil code
        15. Report on Item 4 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - Authorisation to purchase and dispose of treasury shares
        16. Report on Item 3 of the Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting - GVS 2023-2025 Performance Shares Plan
        17. Disclosure Document pursuant art. 114 bis CFA Performance Share Incentive Plan 2022-2025
        18. Sub-Proxy Form pursuant to Article 135-novies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58-1998
        19. Proxy Form - GVS S.p.A.
        20. Proxy Form for the Designated Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58-1998
        21. Notice publication of documentation
        22. Information on share capital structure pursuant to 125 quater TUF
        23. Guidelines of the Board of Statutory Auditors to the Shareholders' Meeting for the renewal of the body
        24. Report on Item 6 of the Agenda (Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors)
        25. Report on Item 5 of the Agenda (Appointment of the Board of Directors)
        26. Notice of call Shareholders' meeting 3.05.2023

        1. Notice of call Shareholders' meeting 28.04.2022
        2. Report on item 3 of the agenda - Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares, subject to revocation of the authorization granted by the Shareholder's meeting of April 27, 2021, for the part that remained unexecuted
        3. Report on item 4 of the agenda - Report on the proposal to adjust the compensation of the Independent Auditors' for FYs 2021-2028
        4. Item 4 of the agenda - Board of Statutory Auditors' Proposal
        5. Information on share capital amount pursuant to 125 quater, par. 1, lett. c) D.lgs. 58/98
        6. Proxy to the Designated Representative pursuant to art. 135 undecies D.lgs. 58/98
        7. Proxy pursuant to art. 135 novies D.lgs. 58/98
        8. Notice pubblication of documentation March 28, 2022
        9. Item 1 of the Agenda - Report by the Board of Directors on Financial Statements as of 31 December 2021 and proposed allocation of period profit
        10. Item 2 of the Agenda - Report of the Board of Directors on the Remuneration Policy
        11. Annual Financial Report 2021
        12. Annual Financial Report 2021 - ESEF
        13. Consolidated Non Financial Declaration 2021
        14. Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership structure 2021
        15. Report on Remuneration Policy and compensation paid 2022
        16. Notice publication of Documentation April 6, 2022
        17. Summary Report of the votes on the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting
        18. Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting and report

        1. Notice of call of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
        2. Directors' explanatory report on items in the agenda
        3. Proxy form to the Designated Representative
        4. Proxy/sub-proxy form to the Designated Representative
        5. Proposal No. 1 - remuneration of the regular members of the Board of Auditors submitted by the shareholder GVS Group S.p.A.
        6. Annual Financial Report 2020
        7. Report on corporate governance and ownership structure
        8. Report on remuneration policy and compensations paid
        9. Non-financial Disclosure
        10. Press release Shareholders' meeting decisions
        11. Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting Held On 27th April 2021
        12. Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders' meeting on 27th April 2021