GVS's unwavering dedication to sustainability has again been rewarded with an important recognition. The company has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal, confirming its commitment to sustainability and the continuous improvement of its business practices.
This achievement is the tangible result of tireless work involving every level of the company to meet current challenges and operate in an increasingly sustainable manner.
The recognition of the EcoVadis Gold Medal is particularly significant considering that EcoVadis is one of the leading international platforms for assessing corporate sustainability. EcoVadis' assessment is based on international standards and covers the four key pillars of sustainability: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
GVS stood out among the companies from around the world evaluated this year, ranking among the best 5% of the companies that took part in the EcoVadis assessment.
This important result confirms the dedication that has characterized the Group's work to date and its commitment to continue with determination in the same direction in the future.